This tutorial is to get gmail id list using msfconsole in kali linux.
msfconsole is considered as one of the most successful interface to exploit the Metasploit Frameword(MSF).
msfconsole provides many features to look at but I'm focussing on generating the gmail id list here.
So let's start our trip and get gmail ids
first, open up the command prompt and give the command-
root@kali:~# msfconsole
- Now, write the command
msf > use gather/search_email_collector
- Now write the command
show options
It will give you better understanding of what you are doing.
- Now give the command
msf auxiliary(search_email_collector) > set DOMAIN
- you can also what you have done so far. just write the command again.
msf auxiliary(search_email_collector) > show options
- So guys, now the stage is set. Now just give the command to get lots of gmail ids list
msf auxiliary(search_email_collector) > exploit
msf > use gather/search_email_collector
show options
It will give you better understanding of what you are doing.
msf auxiliary(search_email_collector) > set DOMAIN
msf auxiliary(search_email_collector) > show options
msf auxiliary(search_email_collector) > exploit